The following information does not replace a physician’s diagnosis and advice under any circumstances whatsoever.

Elbow complaints

The elbow is a complex joint that connects the humerus (upper arm bone), ulna (ulna) and radius (radius). It enables flexion and extension movements as well as rotational movements of the forearm. Due to its versatile functions, the elbow is susceptible to various complaints that can be caused by overloading, wear and tear or injury.


Inflammation of the bursa which occurs as a result of injuries, infections or long term inflammatory conditions, primarily developed in the elbows. Acute bursitis is extremely painful and associated with a noticeable swelling and reddening in the area around the elbow joint. In chronic cases no pain is incurred normally, merely slight swelling can be established.

BORT product which could help:

Epicondylitis (tennis or golf arm)

Epicondylitis - also referred to in the vernacular tennis or golf arm. Some of you have likely already been confronted with this diagnosis. But what exactly is behind it?

Sulcus ulnaris syndrome (SUS) or cubital tunnel syndrome (CUTS)

The sulcus ulnaris syndrome (also referred to as the cubital tunnel syndrome) is a compression syndrome in the elbow region which causes damage to the ulnar nerve due to increased pressure.